Tag: Education
To Open or to Keep Closed: The Dilemmas and Debates Around Reopening Schools Amid...
The question of whether schools should be reopened amid the pandemic is troubling the entire educational community, the article explores the various sides of the debate.
New Education Policy 2020: What is Concealed and What is Unveiled?
There have been extensive discussions around the implications of the NEP, here is an intricate reading of the document in the context of India’s prevalent academic culture.
With kids spending more waking hours on screens than ever, here’s what parents need...
Millions of working parents have spent months largely trapped in their homes with their children. Many are trying to get their jobs done remotely...
Millions of Girls May Never Return to School as Over 24 Million Children Drop-Out...
The coronavirus pandemic has deeply entranced and long-lasting implications for the education sector across the world and girls and women students are likely to...
Reviving the ‘Missing Debate’ in the NEP 2020: Managerialism & its Implications for the...
This article aims to bring to light the missing debate around NEP, highlighting the malaise of managerialism and its impact on teachers and the practice of teaching.
An Obsession with Graded Learning Damages the Learner’s Capacity to Reflect and Engage with...
A growing obsession with grades and certificates goes against the free-spirited eagerness to learn with interest and turns children into docile and disinterested consumers of knowledge.
Understanding the NEP 2020 in the Context of School Education Policy in India
This article takes an introductory look at the NPE 2020 in the wider context of school education policy-making in India.
RSS & Sister Organisations Welcome NEP 2020, Say NEP Meets 60% of its Recommendations
After the introduction of NEP 2020, many organisations affiliated to the RSS have shown their happiness and approval of the much awaited document.
Key Takeaways from the NEP: Multidisciplinary Approach, Emphasis On Skills and Building of Specialisations
From a single regulator in higher education to a multidisciplinary approach, the NEP plans to transform the educational landscape of India.
Reimagining the University Beyond the Tyranny of Numbers
Can we imagine the university space beyond the hegemony of graded hierarchies, an obsession with degrees and qualifications to make it creative, holistic and enduring?