Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Care for the elderly is gradually becoming difficult in a mobile world where people are preoccupied in their work domains, in such a scenario the market's caregiving services often end up redefining the practice and helping families ensure care for the old while retaining commitment to their own professions.

Rediscovering Seva in the Age of Modernity and Markets

The article explores how the traditionally ingrained moral ideals of seva and dharma are being rediscovered and redefined in the age of hyper-modernity and the all pervasive presence of the market culture.

The Beauty Industry and Its Discomfort With the Idea of Ageism

The beauty industry builds on a myth of beauty that transforms the body into a commodity and denies diversity of appearance a chance.

SOCIAL EQUALITY / Do Indian Workplaces hold Discriminatory Attitudes Towards Aged Workers?

Ageing workers are often discriminated against in workplaces and considered less competent compared to their younger colelagues.

Governmental Negligence and Justice for the Aged

A significant breakthrough in the amount of pensions offered in the unorganized sector is overdue as it provides the basis of dignity for the elderly.

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