Single Use Plastic Banned by the European Union: Lessons we Must Learn
In an unprecedented welcome step, the European Parliament approved a ban on single-use plastics. The decision of the parliament makes it important for nations throughout the world to acknowledge the gravity of the matter and cut down their use of plastic.
Sustaining the Environment is a Collective Responsibility
The attitude of caring towards nature shall not be reduced into a momentary response but should be an integral component of our lives. It is our life choices and consumption trends that determine the ecological future of the collective known as humankind.
Air Quality Degenerates in Delhi But Are We Paying Attention?
The air pollution level in Delhi has again reached its peak, temporary steps and immediate measures will help address the immediate crisis but unless as a collective we work for radical shifts in consumption patterns we cannot achieve long term change.
When the Metropolis Killed a Pigeon
Metropolitan living has often made us incapable of humanity and brought home the illusion that all beings are secondary to humans. A recent experience of pain and inner conflict as reflected on by the author enabled him to see the irony of this anthropocentric fallacy.
India’s Waste Management Crisis: Thinking beyond Technology
Waste generation is a problem that has to be understood in the context of consumption patterns and which needs to be contextually negotiated beyond technological interventions and segregation plants.
Abraham Khan
Farmers and Environmentalists Protest Against Chennai-Salem Highway
ENVIRONMENT | More than 500 farmers and environmentalists are protesting against the Greenfield Salem Chennai expressway project because of ecological and monetary reasons.
The ‘Severe’ Pollution Levels in Delhi: A Collective Concern
The pollutions standard is the capital has become intolerable and can destroy collective wellbeing if adequate measures are not adopted.
Environmental Conservationists Dying the World Over as Global Witness Reports
Revealing data from across the world depicts that several environmental conservationists are being murdered for resisting environmental damage.
The Horrors of a Risk Society
In this thought provoking article, Professor Avijit Pathak has referred to sociologist Ulrich Beck’s path breaking text Risk Society, and reminded us of the need for a new mode of living and thinking for saving our earth.
One-third of the world’s nature reserves are under threat from humans
Growing environmental damage and unplanned growth has put the world at risk. Here is an important essay by James Watson, James Allan, Kendall Jones, Pablo Negret, Richard Fuller and Sean Maxwell.