Some hope for Rajasthan’s silicosis victims but many challenges
After a long wait, in 2019, the government of Rajasthan announced the welfare policy for mine and factory workers who suffer from silicosis.
Predators, prey and moonlight singing: how phases of the Moon affect native wildlife
Humans have long been inspired and transfixed by the Moon, and as we’re discovering, moonlight can also change the behaviour of Australian wildlife.
A collection...
Suffering in the town powering India’s nuclear dreams
In Jharkhand’s Jaduguda region, which has India’s oldest uranium mines, local communities narrate stories of suffering due to degrading health and the environment. The government, however, denies any ill-impact of uranium mining on people.
How Rhizophora mangroves on Car Nicobar islands fought back a rapid sea-level rise in...
Historically, mangroves in the Andaman and Nicobar islands may have undergone numerous sudden sea-level changes due to four major earthquakes. That may have imparted a certain degree of resilience to the mangroves, the study said.
The Urgency of Revising Sustainable Development Goals in a Fast Deteriorating Situation
It is a pressing demand of our times that we rework on the goals of sustainable development and take into account the challenges posed by a fast deteriorating situation.
Chhattisgarh government’s flip-flop on forest rights
In May 2020, the Chhattisgarh government had made the state forest department the nodal agency for Community Forest Resource Rights (CFRR). The decision was reversed in June 2020 after protests.
“Apathy Towards Protection of Forests Will Prove Very Costly”, Warn Former Officials
Given the centrality of forests to the ecological balance, senior officials warn that an attitude of apathy may cost us dearly.
Safety Aspects of COVID 19 Vaccine Are Most Important
On August 11 Russia launched a COVID-19 vaccine, described by President Vladimir Putin as the world’s first. It was also announced that industrial production of the vaccine will start in September and 20 countries have already ordered a billion doses.
Coronavirus: have we already missed the opportunity to build a better world?
Many people like to say that the coronavirus is teaching us a lesson, as if the pandemic were a kind of morality play that...
The Ecological Questions Around Disposal and Recycling of Used PPE Kits in a Pandemic...
Single-use plastics in the form of used PPE kits are landing up in our water bodies and landfills posing important ecological questions.