Wednesday, March 12, 2025


‘There is no god in that temple, said the hermit’: Rabindranath Tagore wrote this...

A translation of Rabindranath Tagore’s poem ‘Deeno Daan’ (’Destitute Donation’) written in 1900.

Buddha is Here…

As we celebrate Buddha Purnima, The New Leam chooses to share with the readers the extraordinarily illuminating messages of mindfulness Thich Nhat Hanh conveyed in the process of his teaching. Yes, Buddha is here. Are we prepared to find Him?

How Gandhi Failed to Search for ‘God’ in Benaras

I arrived Benaras in the morning. I had decided to put up with a panda. Numerous Brahmans surrounded me, as soon as I got out...

The Prison of Gender Roles

What “it” has a greater hold on people’s imaginations or limits them more than ideas about what biological sex must mean, what I call...

The Healing Power of Love

Bell Hooks is an amazing thinker. Even though she is a great Professor, her writings are refreshingly different from the standardized ‘academic’ prose. Be...
A father and child enjoy a moment of unconditional trust through the practice of freedom.

Love as the Practice of Freedom

Without love, our efforts to liberate ourselves and our world community from oppression and exploitation are doomed

The Plight of the Individual in Modern Society

Here is an insightful passage from Carl Jung's well-known work,The Undiscovered Self.

The Art of Living with Gautam Buddha and Jesus Christ

With the extraordinary elasticity of consciousness, Thich Nhat Hanh inspires us to see beyond religious boundaries, walk with Gautam Buddha and Jesus Christ, and live with the abundance of love and kindness.

The Sublime Prayers of Redemption

At this moment of psychic bewilderment and statistics of death, the poet’s sublime prayers enchant our souls, and make us feel the rhythm of life and death

EXCERPT | Viewing Yourself As Like an Illusion

In an age that worships the cult of narcissism—say, the belief that “I” am the doer, or “I” exist in my power, wealth and status, it is important to be reminded of the illusory nature of this “I” and its impermanence.

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