Monday, March 10, 2025


Odisha Government Announces Balaram Scheme to Empower Over Seven Lakh Landless Farmers

Odisha government’s Balaram Scheme will provide credit of Rs 1,040 crore to more than 7 lakh farmers across the next two years.

Lockdown, Untimely Rains and Massive Agricultural Loss Cause Panic Among Uttarakhand Farmers

Heavy rain and hail storm destroy agricultural crops in Uttarakhand, with the state apparatus busy tackling COVID-19 cases, will farmers get their due?

Anxious farmers in Maharashtra prepare to sow amidst lockdown

Despite announcement of a normal monsoon, farmers in Maharashtra, the state worst-affected with COVID-19, are unsure about this kharif season and await more help from the government.

The Marginalisation of the Landless Dalit in the Aftermath of Cyclone Gaja

Landless Dalits in Tamil Nadu’s coastal belt discriminated in post-Gaja rehabilitation schemes.

Corporate Giant PepsiCo. Vs. Indigenous Famers: Liberalism and Endangered Livelihoods

The conflict between Gujarat’s potato farmers and corporate giant PepsiCo. points towards deeper questions related to endangered farmer livelihoods under liberalism.

Farmers’ Politics and the 2019 Assembly Elections in Andhra Pradesh

The elections constitute one of the biggest and most significant junctures in the life of a democracy. Here we take a glimpse through some of the significant concerns in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Loan Waivers Wouldn’t Solve Agrarian Distress in India

Each government that comes to power plays the politics of loan waivers, but in the absence of land reform and structural change- how far can the rhetoric of loan waivers solve India’s agricultural crisis?

Farmers in Punjab Commit Suicide despite Loan Waiver

Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) recently reported that since the Congress government rolled out its loan waiver last year in Punjab, 430 farmers have committed suicide.  Will the rhetoric of loan waivers on its own solve the farmers’ crisis?

How Many Farmers More: Why We Turn a Deaf Year to India’s Agrarian Crisis?

AGRICULTURE The Kalahandi farmer suicide is not a unique case but representative of the larger agrarian crisis faced by India. The suicide of more than 300,000 farmers since 1998 points towards the need for state initiative that transforms the existence of India’s farmers.

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