Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: feminism

While it may also have a liberating role, for a large section of women social media is making women conform to 'old gender roles and expectations' but in a new avatar.

The Changing Avatar of Prescriptive Womanhood in the Age of YouTube and Social Media

The article looks at how YouTube and other social media platforms often end up presenting women in traditional patriarchally shaped roles rather than paving way for real choice and freedom.
Efforts to prevent violence against women and girls should be based on careful identification of causes

Here’s What’s Important to Consider this International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women...

Efforts to prevent violence against women and girls should be based on careful identification of causes
Activist Kamla Bhasin/Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Biding Adieu to Kamla Bhasin : A Feminist Visionary who Combined Kindness with a...

The passing away of feminist thinker-activist and poet Kamla Bhasin has left an unrepairable void in the domain of gender, her works will continue to be cherished. 

The Climate Crisis Needs Feminism

Feminist intervention is the bold action we need to tackle the growing climate crisis of our times. With intersectional feminist leadership, we can get to the root cause of the climate crisis

A Glimpse of Ecofeminism

Women and nature share the same pathological story in the neo-liberal world characterized by the logic of reckless development. It is high time that we rethink growth and progress and arrive at a more sustainable and holistic conception of modernity that is in tune with nature at large.

CONVERSATION | “Great literature is one of the most helpful resources to discover the...

In a conversation with The New Leam, Dr. Ruth Vanita reflects on issues like sexuality, identity and body politics. And her engagement with issues in feminism throws new light on critical issues of gender that define our times. 

Feminism Needs Critical Engagement, and We Lack the Patience for It

The author reflects on the contemporary feminist discourse and brings to light some of his own dilemmas on such a debate.

The Foresight of Hannah Arendt’s Theory

EXCERPT                     Hannah Arendt was one of the best known political philosophers of the 20th century. In her major work The Origins of Totalitarianism, she talked of the dangers of the Nazi and the Stalinist regimes that reduced human beings into cogs in the bureaucratic machinery.

Manto in Times of MeToo

The sharp sarcasm, the poignant observation and the nuanced weaving of the story, made Manto as much a visionary as a literary figure. Manto’s portrayal of women’s violation is a valuable resource for the contemporary MeToo movement that helps ordinary women to break free from chains of oppression.

Why the Feminist Struggle Belongs to Men Too

Sexual violence, prejudice and the denial of basic rights to women are all reflections of the regressive patriarchal mind-set. Should the feminist struggle belong only to women? Rashi Dubey

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