Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Constant dieters might be choosing the wrong way to lose weight

The big idea Dieters looking for a healthier substitute of their favorite high-fat food – such as a bag of potato chips – typically have...

Village-Level Food Processing as Key to Rural Livelihoods and Nutrition

Mechanisms to empower food processing at the village level can effectively aid rural livelihoods and nutrition.

Nagaland is More Than Dog Meat, Does Mainstream India Care to Know?

The Nagaland government has put a ban on the import and sale of dog meat which has been a delicacy in the region, infuriating the Naga community and deepening its tensions with mainstream India.

“No One Should Die of Starvation When the Godowns are Overflowing” Say Right to...

The PDS system often leaves out the undocumented poor but the universalisation of the scheme could prevent starvation deaths in times of the pandemic.

Sharp Population Reduction in Honeybees Endangers Food Security and Biodiversity

Rapid fall in the population of honeybees across the world is a threat to ecological balance and bio-diversity.

PM’s Decision on Extending Free Food Grain Supply is Welcome, But More Reforms in...

PM Narendra Modi announced the extension of PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana till November, helping over 80 crore people to avail 5 kg free food grains.

Does vitamin D ward off coronavirus? Don’t reach for the supplements yet

Vitamin D concentrations are lower in people with obesity, those with high blood pressure or diabetes and in those who smoke. It can be stored in fat cells, thus reducing the circulating concentration in the blood.
Workers in a pork processing plant, 2016. USGAO/Wikipedia

To understand the danger of COVID-19 outbreaks in meatpacking plants, look at the industry’s...

The meatpacking industry is an important job source for thousands of people. In 2019 it employed nearly 200,000 people in direct meat processing jobs at wages averaging US$14.13 per hour or $29,400 yearly.

The impulse to garden in hard times has deep roots

Gardening, on the other hand, has overtaken her life. Plantings that started out back have expanded around the side of the house, and gardening sessions have stretched later into the evening, when she sometimes works by headlamp.

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