Wednesday, March 12, 2025



Home cooking means healthier eating – there’s an opportunity to change food habits for...

Food isn’t just about nutrients for humans. Food brings joy through its tastes and flavours. Food connects us to those around us, to nature and our own unique cultures and experiences.
rice stocks

Surplus Rice Stocks to be Used for Making Sanitisers as Starvation is Reported from...

While starvation deaths are reported and people are facing acute hunger amid the lockdown, how justified is it to use surplus stocks of rice for making ethanol for the production of hand-sanitisers?
coronavirus food security

Forgetting Food to Find Pharma

As India fights the coronavirus pandemic, can biosecurity take precedence over food security?

Food Delivery Apps are an Everyday Affair, But Are We Forgetting the Art of...

As food delivery apps and in flow of easy money make the ritual of online food delivery a routine affair, are paying enough attention to the art of cooking?

Return of indigenous crops helps reduce farm distress and restore ecosystems

In villages in Odisha, tribal communities have returned to indigenous varieties of seeds which yield crops that are better suited to the impacts of the changing climate.
MALNUTRITION Indian children

Egg Consumption May Help Tackle Rampant Malnutrition and Stunted Growth in Indian Children

A report by the Ministry of Health indicates the significance of consuming eggs for tackling malnutrition and stunting in children, why then are several states reluctant in serving it through the Mid-day Meal Scheme?

After States Withdraw Demand, Government Asks Bangladesh To Buy Imported Onions

While India imported most of the stock at around $600-700 per MT, the Modi government is offering it to Bangladesh at $550-$580 per MT.

Economic Crunch, Food Inflation and the Daily Struggle of Working Class Indians 

The rising price of essential food items compels many working class families to make hard existential choices, struggle even harder just in order to live. In this field report from the suburbs of Kolkata.
Indian States Fail to Utilise Poshan Abhiyaan Funds

Malnutrition Pandemic, Indian States Fail to Utilise Poshan Abhiyaan Funds

Despite worrying health indicators among children, most Indian states fail to utilise funds under Poshan Abhiyaan.

Nirmala Sitharaman Should Start Eating Some “onions”

On allegations of the government’s inability to control onion prices,Finance Minster Nirmala Sitharaman says she doesn’t eat a lot of onion.

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