Monday, March 10, 2025


Eggs in Mid-Day Meals amid Assertive Food Politics

POLITICS OF FOOD The debate over whether mid-day meals should be vegetarian or non-vegetarian has become part of the larger politics around food in the nation. The Odisha government plans to serve eggs as part of the mid-day meal but will it receive a national resistance?

Food democracy: why eating is unavoidably political

FOOD Corporate control of the global seed sector is one symptom of an undemocratic food system that favours transnational agribusinesses.

Vegan diet: how your body changes from day one

FOOD For those who have pursued a diet rich in meat and dairy for most of their lives, embarking on a vegan diet can lead to significant changes within the body.

Mid-day Meal Scheme and the Falsity of Statist Bureaucracy

Mid-day Meal Scheme The negligence and state apathy shown towards the mid-day meal scheme was recently brought to light when five states were fined by the Supreme Court for not meeting the benchmark.

 ‘Made in Odisha’ Food Security Scheme:  Will Hunger Now be addressed?

POLICY MAKERS The Odisha government has come up with its on food security scheme to provide food assistance to those whom the NFSA had left behind. Will this move efficiently address the hunger crisis or will it remain limited to another pre-election move?

US Jury’s Decision against Monsanto Gives Health Protection Efforts Momentum

Hazardous chemicals in food impact our health adversely giving birth to numerous diseases. Mosanto, a food company in US is under scrutiny for putting to risk the lives of hundreds of customers.

An Urgent Need for Citizens’ Campaign on Food Safety

FOOD | The suspicions that have existed for a long time that despite the fact that India is legally supposed to be a GM food free country, GM (genetically modified) foods have been increasingly sold to millions of unsuspecting consumers in India. Bharat Dogra

The Midnight Lights of Jama Masjid

As the month of Ramdan cleanses the soul and purifies the self, the universe unfolds a celebration of brotherhood and the moment of melting boundaries

The Good Earth: Why social and ecological harmony is important for farming systems

AGRICULTURE A good food and agricultural system is one, which makes available satisfactory livelihood to all members of the farming community and wholesome, nutritious food to all people in a sustainable way ensuring welfare of farm animals, protecting the soil and its fertility for future generations. Bharat Dogra

Toxic Genetically Modified Food Crops and Associated Damage

GM crops are acknowledged to be bad for people’s wellbeing. These GM products are present in food that people eat and impact their health.

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