Sunday, March 9, 2025


Killing of Tigers in the Name of Safety

REPORTAGE The tigress Avni was recently killed and her two cubs are seen to be roaming about lonely in the forests of Maharashtra while two others cubs have been crushed by a train in Chandrapur.

Being Responsible for the Man-Tiger Conflict

CRITICAL INSIGHT The hunter who killed Avni said that he did so in self-defence. We have just 3,900 tigers remaining and in urgent need of immediate plans to save our tigers.

Lessons from the Soliga in Times of Ruthless Development and Statist Monopoly

Hegemonic and authoritarian models of development are often against both communities and forests. Here is a look at the life and struggle of the Soliga Tribe in Karnataka that asserted its rights and won back its access to the forest as a source of life and livelihood.

Forest People and the Lacuna in the Implementation of the PESA and FRA Acts

POLICY MAKERS The PESA and the FRA are acts that can empower people of the forests to lead dignified lives and generate livelihood. Improper implementation and dearth of democratic exercise need to be evaluated for meaningful utilization of forest resource and empowerment of people.

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