Thursday, March 6, 2025


The Menace of Child Labour and Why it Needs to be Urgently Stopped

Despite a series of legislations, child labour is a rampant reality. Depriving children of their potential and right to dignity, there is an urgent need to fight the menace.

Coronavirus Pandemic: A Humanitarian Crisis or a Well-Thought Out Bio-War?

The coronavirus has emerged as the collective global enemy but with its differential implications for countries of the east and the west, is it more than just a medical crisis?

WHO Declares Coronavirus Outbreak a Global Emergency

World Health Organisation(WHO)has declared the Novel Coronavirus a public health emergency.

Food democracy: why eating is unavoidably political

FOOD Corporate control of the global seed sector is one symptom of an undemocratic food system that favours transnational agribusinesses.

The Hungry Nation: India’s Poor GHI Ranking

ECONOMY We as a nation have failed to ensure that all people irrespective of class lead a dignified living and have quality food at subsidised rates. The nation’a poor rank in terms of the GHI paints towards a very sorry picture.

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