Monday, March 10, 2025



Assam’s Midday Meal Workers Threaten to Go on Hunger Strike

The workers demand that till the government not give them in writing that their jobs are safe, they will continue to strike.

Financial Strain Compels Government to Sell Off Air India and Bharat Petroleum

The government plans to wrap up the sale of state owned Air India and Bharat Petroleum due to irreplaceable loss.

Naga Peace Talks Between NSCN-IM And Government Remains Inconclusive

NSCN (I-M)’s demand for a separate flag and constitution has not been accepted by the Government.

India’s megacities, Mumbai and Delhi, sitting on a pile of waste

Mumbai and Delhi are not just India’s top two megacities in terms of population but also in terms of the solid waste generated every day.

Growing Concern over Government’s Onslaught on RTI

Amendments to the RTI may pose a serious threat to the integrity of Indian democracy.

The Implications of Cultural Politics for the Social Order

Politics and culture have an inherently complex relationship whereby both influence the others’ potential to transform society.

Fake News Era: Need for Critical Media Literacy

There is a need for education to enable the polity to navigate and confront the lies perpetuated by politicians and media outlets.

NDA Clearly Set to Form Government

The current trends in the election counting point towards a comfortable victory for the BJP led NDA, proving the predictions of the exit polls right.

The Significance of an Accountable Lokpal Bill: The Disappointment of Last Five Years

The Modi government did not do that and instead tried to dilute the entire law because of which it was never passed.

Good Governance is About Responsibility to People’s Welfare

PERSPECTIVE / The foundation of a good democracy depends on its ability to ensure solid governance which is accountable and conducive to people’s needs.

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