Monday, March 10, 2025


Care for the elderly is gradually becoming difficult in a mobile world where people are preoccupied in their work domains, in such a scenario the market's caregiving services often end up redefining the practice and helping families ensure care for the old while retaining commitment to their own professions.

Rediscovering Seva in the Age of Modernity and Markets

The article explores how the traditionally ingrained moral ideals of seva and dharma are being rediscovered and redefined in the age of hyper-modernity and the all pervasive presence of the market culture.

Rural Schools and Anganwadis: A Report from Jhansi District

Anganwadis play a vital role in rural India and with due infrastructural and budgetary allocation they can bridge the much widening gap between developmental goals and on ground realities.
Is the debate over the Covid vaccine sensitive to all kinds of alternative discourses? Image Credit:Pixabay

LONG READ/The COVID-19 Vaccine: The Need for a Democratic and Holistic Debate

The pandemic has brought vaccines to the centre stage, but how democratic is the debate regarding it?

The Need for Ensuring Authentic Covid-19 Data For Proper Policy Response 

Scientists have been drawing attention to the  need for a lot of caution to avoid overestimating Covid-19  deaths. This is necessary both to avoid panic and panic-driven unduly harsh measures.

To Uphold Dignity and Safety of Healthcare Workers, Rajya Sabha Passes Epidemic Diseases Amendment...

The Rajya Sabha has passed the Epidemic Diseased Amendment Bill to ensure that violence/offences against healthcare workers can be prevented and punished.
medical team coronavirus

Challenges Around Chronic Healthcare Amid the Lockdown

While the entire medical fraternity lays emphasis on the coronavirus pandemic, the system is certainly failing patients with chronic ailments.

Robots Takeover Healthcare by 2025 in Japan

PARADOX OF OUR AGE In an aging society like Japan, it is proposed that the major chunk of caregiving work for the elderly will be provided for by specially designed robots by 2025. Can human touch and presence be replaced by programmed computers even of the most sophisticate nature?

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