Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: hinduism

EXCERPT | Swami Vivekananda’s Vision for Hinduism Must be Revisited 126 Years after Chicago...

Swami Vivekananda – one of the finest philosophers of Hinduism, spoke at the Parliament of the World’s Religions held at Chicago. It is time to revisit his words and rediscover his rethink our world with clarity, vision and brotherhood.

Nithyananda’s ‘Kailaasa Republic’: A Competition to the Present Regime’s Dream of Hindu Nationhood

Godman Nithyananda makes own island country near Ecuador, welcomes devoted Hindus.

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Inner Turmoil

The New Leam feels happy to share a reflection on Nehru’s nuanced engagement with reason and faith with its alert readers. 

EXCERPT | How Not to Make a Distinction Between the Religious and the Secular

Hinduism, argues Shashi Tharoor, has to be rescued from its self-proclaimed protectors.

‘Official’ Gandhi, ‘Condemned’ Gandhi and Intimate Gandhi

We love to kill Gandhi -always, and at every occasion.

‘Official’ Gandhi, ‘Condemned’ Gandhi and Intimate Gandhi

we love to kill Gandhi -always, and at every occasion. We kill him when we promote mob lynching and cow vigilantism. We kill him when in lavish malls-the magical space of global capitalism, we engage in the never-ending process of conspicuous consumption. We kill him when we celebrate the militarization of the consciousness, and cherish the cult of violence. We kill him when the aggression implicit in the mega projects of 'development' destroys rivers and forests, and displaces the adivasis and farmers.

The Body as a Site for Politics: Sabarimala Raises Questions on Faith versus Civility...

SABRIMALA ISSUE The Sabarimala issue raises important question regarding women’s dignity and their right to worship as a constitutional right.

The River Watching the Play of Pain, Longing and Celebration

SPECIAL ESSAY In this remarkably sensitive piece written with the flavour of sociological sensibility and philosophic depth, Professor Avijit Pathak narrates the illuminating stories the river whispers into his ears.

Burari Deaths Bring Us to the Crossroads of Religious Dogma, Superstition and Rationality

The strange but possible entwining of modernity, spirituality and individuality in the latest Burari deaths shows the irony of modernity and what Weber would have regarded as disenchantment in our age.

The Children of Gita Press – By Ritu Sinha

  In a diverse country like ours there are more than one ideals for childhood. Here a researcher explores the ideas of childhood promoted by...

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