Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: hindutva

Seeing Beyond the Ritualization of Worshipping Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: The Need to Rethink Gandhi-Ambedkar...

On the occasion of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar's 130th birth anniversary Mr. Vikash Sharma- the editor of The New Leam- pays his homage to a great mind, while reminding us of the historic need to see an organic relationship between Ambedkar's subaltern struggle and Gandhi's spiritualized politics for creating an inclusive society.

Ambedkar vs. Hindu Nationalism: The Politics of Appropriation

When the Indian Constitution was adopted in January 1950, B.R. Ambedkar stated that India was entering a life of contradictions for he believed that political equality alone is not a sufficient condition for social and economic democracy.

My Moral Loneliness Amid the Victory of the BJP-led NDA

As I switch off the television channels, I begin to walk - a lonely walk. And then, as I approach an old banyan tree, an inner voice begins to possess me.

‘Official’ Gandhi, ‘Condemned’ Gandhi and Intimate Gandhi

We love to kill Gandhi -always, and at every occasion.

‘Official’ Gandhi, ‘Condemned’ Gandhi and Intimate Gandhi

we love to kill Gandhi -always, and at every occasion. We kill him when we promote mob lynching and cow vigilantism. We kill him when in lavish malls-the magical space of global capitalism, we engage in the never-ending process of conspicuous consumption. We kill him when we celebrate the militarization of the consciousness, and cherish the cult of violence. We kill him when the aggression implicit in the mega projects of 'development' destroys rivers and forests, and displaces the adivasis and farmers.

CBI Invokes UAPA against Accused in Narendra Achyut Dabholkar Murder

REPORTAGE  Narendra Achyut Dabholkar was an Indian social activist and rationalist who was murdered in 2013 for consistently working against superstition and black magic in Maharashtra.

The Hindutva Politics of Name Changing is Misleading the Masses

POLITICS Gorakhpur’s Urdu Bazaar is now Hindi Bazaar while Allahabad has become Prayagraj - the trend of changing names of significant towns and cities of the nation reminds us that a politics based on differentiation and alienation of the minority is opposed to the growth of the nation as a whole.

Cobrapost Sting Operation Exposes Media Houses Sold Out to Ruling Government

A sting operation carried out by Cobrapost showed several acclaimed newspapers and media houses agree to carry out a communally divisive and Hindutva agenda in exchange of money. Can journalism in its contemporary form be unbiased?

Casteism is Not a Fatal Disease

INDIAN UNTOUCHABILITY The system of institutionalised hierarchy in the form of caste cannot be eradicated without a change in societal perception.

The Children of Gita Press – By Ritu Sinha

  In a diverse country like ours there are more than one ideals for childhood. Here a researcher explores the ideas of childhood promoted by...

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