Tuesday, March 11, 2025



Bangladesh, Nepal Rank Better than India on Global Hunger Index

Global Hunger Index ranks India at 102 out of 117 countries.

Food Insecurity: It’s Impact on Child and Human Development

Food scarcity is the emerging crisis that India as a nation is likely to be impacted with in the near future. If the nation-state does not pay attention to it, there will be immense adverse consequences.

Denial wouldn’t help us Fight Starvation Deaths

Activists have time and again warned the nation state of starvation deaths but the sheer denial of its existence on the part of the government adds to the collective agony.

The Hungry Nation: India’s Poor GHI Ranking

ECONOMY We as a nation have failed to ensure that all people irrespective of class lead a dignified living and have quality food at subsidised rates. The nation’a poor rank in terms of the GHI paints towards a very sorry picture.

 ‘Made in Odisha’ Food Security Scheme:  Will Hunger Now be addressed?

POLICY MAKERS The Odisha government has come up with its on food security scheme to provide food assistance to those whom the NFSA had left behind. Will this move efficiently address the hunger crisis or will it remain limited to another pre-election move?

What Savitri Devi’s Death Teaches Us about Lacunas in PDS

JHARKHAND Deaths due to the inability of procuring complete documentation required at PDS outlets to get grains remind us of the pathos of mechanical administration. It is the death of Savitri Devi from Jharkhand that reminds us of our cultural inability in acknowledging issues of public distribution.

Commoditised womanhood, Hyper-Aggressive Masculinities and the Myth of an Altered World

Can fragmented realities have a common source and will it be possible to alter the social landscape in a milieu where we refuse to take responsibility- the article explores the several layers of contemporary living and enables us to see the roots of conflict that are breaking us apart. Nutan Upadhyay

Woman in UP dies of Hunger without Aadhar: the Iron Cage of Bureaucracy at...

A woman in UP died of hunger because she could not appear for the biometric test required to qualify her for free ration at a PDS outlet in UP while a young girl in Jharkhand died recently as she too was denied ration. Are documentations more important than the very individuals that they claim to represent?

Smarter Cities and Poorer Nations

India ranks poorly on the global hunger index and yet we conveniently choose to neglect fundamental national priorities for market centric developmental agendas that are often against inclusive growth. In this context what do these misplaced priorities denote?

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