Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: JNU

Empty Classroom: Is it the New Normal?

In this thought provoking article Professor Avijit Pathak who teaches sociology at JNU has raised a series of critical issues relating to the growing decline in the vibrancy of the classroom interaction in our times. AVIJIT PATHAK

On JNU and the changing landscape of higher education By Dr. Bikram K Mishra

http:// //

My Caste, My Identity: Am I Doomed Forever?

In this remarkably honest and transparent article Professor Avijit Pathak has reflected on his own journey towards a casteless identity.

JNUSU ELECTION|Trap of Caste, Religion and Gender: The Ugly Transformation of JNU Students’ Politics

As this iconic university is passing through a deep crisis, it is sad to see the ugly character of the political culture of JNU.

Adore uniqueness; resist the ugly practice of ranking universities

These days colleges/ universities are ranked frequently. We take it for granted; we tend to believe that it is good for retaining the quality of higher education. However, in this article, the author who is teaching at Jawaharlal Nehru University gives counter-arguments, and wants us to see the ugly consequences of the culture of ranking educational institutions.

Which of the following symbols is correct for your university to adopt?

THE NEW LEAM HUMOR The vice-chancellor of a leading university in the country has been asked to answer the following question on an OMR sheet: Which...

Why are our rivers dying?

// Rivers are one of the most fundamental natural resources and are indispensable for human civilisation. It is because of rivers that for...

The Echoes of Injustice and Resilience in the Land of the Narmada: the Unfulfilled...

Politics of development often neglects those who are on the margins which in return gives birth to discontent and resistance. The time has come for the nation to think of growth that is inclusive and participatory and not exclusive and alienating.

Dalit President, Corrupt Politics and the Story of a Decadent Society

Ram Nath Kovind or Meira Kumar? Can a ‘Dalit’ President make a difference? Or is it yet another piece of strategic politics that trivializes the issue of social inequality? Is there any hope if politics is reduced into a chess game?

The Deadly Combination of Development and Religious Nationalism

U.R. Ananthamurthy died on 22 August 2014. Hindutva or Hind Swaraj is his very last work. Keerti Ramachandra and Vivek Shanbhag have translated it from Kannada. There is no doubt that , as Shiv Visvanathan has indicated in the Foreword, this little book is written in a desperate hurry by an author who knew he was dying. Yet, here is a book that is courageous in spirit, and enlightens its readers; it reaffirms that Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj is a meaningful answer to Savarkar’s Hindutva.

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