Sunday, March 9, 2025


What Gandhi can teach today’s protesters

Almost a century ago, Mohandas K. Gandhi – commonly known by the honorific Mahatma, the great-souled one – emphasized nonviolent resistance in his campaign...

‘A writer’s beliefs must never be mortgaged to a particular party or ideology’, says Professor...

CONVERSATIONS | Professor Ramachandra Guha is a leading public intellectual in our times. His deep and critical insights into contemporary political culture, intellectual history and issues relating to environment, ecology and cricket are truly enchanting

Looking at the Contemporary World through the Gandhian Perspective

STUDENT CORNER Young Minds and Their Creative Articulations The New Leam organized a creative writing project involving the students of Jesus and Mary college, University of...

Debunking the Myth of Modernist Development: An Opportune Moment to Walk on the Gandhian...

Whenever you are in a doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the...
We ought to think of reinventing Gandhi's relationship with the youth such that there is a better appreciation of his world vision.

Revisiting Mahatma Gandhi’s Most Essential Message for Our Times

Gandhi left a lasting impact on the socio-cultural and political landscape, but his deep emphasis on communal harmony and social equity resonate the most with the contemporary Indian crisis.

Auctioneers Shocked to Find Gandhi’s Gold Rimmed Glasses Inside Letterbox

To their utter shock and extreme surprise, a group of auctioneers in Briston, England find Gandhi’s glasses popping out of the letterbox.

Unity or Partition: The Final Week of the Mahatma’s Life

The state of the nation tends to indicate that we have not yet been able to combat the politics of communal division and hatred that led to the traumatic Partition. Under these circumstances, historical memories teach us a couple of lessons.

1918 flu pandemic killed 12 million Indians, and British overlords’ indifference strengthened the anti-colonial...

The Spanish flu, 1918 pandemic likely began in Kansas and killed between 50 and 100 million people worldwide.

My Gandhian Way of Invoking Krishna 

The author has invoked Krishna, and  argued how Mahatma Gandhi's anashakti yoga was in tune with Krishna's teachings in the Bhagavadgita.

Glorifying Gandhi’s Assassin in School Syllabus

The Hindu Mahasabha wants Godse’s court statement included in school syllabus.

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