Sunday, March 9, 2025

Tag: market

Young People’s Discomfort with Gandhi: A Perspective

As a nineteen-year-old undergraduate student in Mumbai, I cannot help but notice a growing disinterest or even rejection of Gandhi among my peers and...
Care for the elderly is gradually becoming difficult in a mobile world where people are preoccupied in their work domains, in such a scenario the market's caregiving services often end up redefining the practice and helping families ensure care for the old while retaining commitment to their own professions.

Rediscovering Seva in the Age of Modernity and Markets

The article explores how the traditionally ingrained moral ideals of seva and dharma are being rediscovered and redefined in the age of hyper-modernity and the all pervasive presence of the market culture.
Tribal women from Odisha standing on the roadside.

Bargained Livelihoods During the Pandemic:Understanding the Condition of Women Tribal Vendors in Odisha’s Koraput

The plight of  tribal women vendors has deteriorated due to the pandemic and the lockdown which has impacted their livelihoods and access to entitlements.

Baudrillard, Hyperreality and Contemporary Sports By Richard Giulianotti

In the postmodern era of media simulated hyperreality, as Jean Baudrillard would argue, it is no longer possible to distinguish the real from the media constructed spectacle. Are we really seeing football and cricket? Or are we watching television-mediated/technologically induced signs and symbols like glossy ads and soap operas? The author—a distinguished sociologist of sport—invokes Baudrillard, and throws light on the changing sport culture. This piece is an excerpt from one of his papers.

Politics and Paradoxes: All that is Plaguing the Indian Economy

To strengthen economy BJP government would have to go back to schemes as like of the UPA like MNREGA.

To Be Young and to Approach Gandhi in Present Time

Gandhi is more relevant today than at any other time. Gandhian ideas provide a subversive lens to grapple with the present pathology of modernity, nationalism and violent existence.

Loneliness: The Price We Pay For Our Progress

The Minister of Loneliness in the United Kingdom... Does it indicate the mood of the times we live in?

Understanding the Significance of Women’s Day beyond the Logic of the Market

GENDER / Wedded to the globalized market economy, the culture industry has evidently evoked sentiments and crafted equivalent activities, skillfully evading the actual essence of the day and limiting the meanings of such historical events.

Be Aware of the ‘Patriotism Industry’

In the age of militant nationalism, the discourse of standardized patriotism is filled with brute power and associated hostility towards the invented 'enemies'. As the author critiques this sort of patriotism, the possibility of a more inclusive and life-affirming worldview begins to emerge.

‘Packaged’ Celebration: Alcoholism to Hyper Consumption on the New Year

Will the market allow us to rethink celebrations in the age of hyper-consumption and media induced images of happiness if we don’t choose to think differently?

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