Monday, March 10, 2025


Economy in pandemic

Bruised, Battered and Humiliated: The Story of Migrant Workers

The migrant class finds itself amid a flood of difficulties. Absent from rhetorical politics and public conscience, who will pay heed to their agonies?
migrant worker

Toddler Tries to Wake Up Dead Mother at Muzaffarpur Station Amid Unprecedented Migrant Crisis 

A video clip of a baby trying to wake up his dead mother at Muzaffarpur station, truly depicts the tragic unfolding of the lockdown for India’s migrant class. 
Jyoti Kumari

Why Must it Take a Jyoti Kumari to Cycle from Gurugram to Darbhanga to...

Visuals of 15-year old Jyoti Kumari cycling from Gurugram to Darbhanga with her ailing father over seven days amid the lockdown have gone viral and the likes of Ivanka Trump have called her story inspiring.
The Unplanned Nationwide Lockdown

The Unplanned Nationwide Lockdown: A Curse for Migrant Workers Amid the Pandemic

The plight of migrant workers requires urgent governmental action and a concrete plan that will alleviate their miseries and address their needs.
migrant workers

Migrant Workers Struggle for Survival in Gurugram Amid Absent Wages and Silent Employers

Without food or work, migrant workers who chose to stay back in Gurugram amid the lockdown find it impossible to make two ends meet.
Farmers are working in the field.

Labour Crisis, Interests of Landed Gentry Fracture Punjab’s Rural Fabric

Panchayats governed by landed gentry negotiate for lower wages and restriction of movement for labourers, this is resulting in social fractures in rural Punjab.
migrant worker

Why Aren’t Idle Vehicles Being Used for Transporting Migrant Workers Amid the Lockdown?

As road accident toll increases, many organisations working for the rights of migrants have appealed the states to use all idle vehicles for the purpose of transporting migrant workers from one state to the other.
migrant workers and

Trade Unions Call for Nationwide Protest Amid Aggressive Alterations to Existing Labour Laws and...

Extensive changes in the labour laws and large scale unemployment have taken a toll on the lives of millions of Indian migrant workers.
migrants train

Finally a Central Database to Track and Monitor the Crisis of Migrant Workers

The government has finally made a database that will keep a track of the movement for migrants from one state to another.
migrant worker

Political Indifference, Lack of Policy Outreach and India’s Migrant Class

The plight of the migrant class in the phase of the lockdown and the institutional apathy are surely matters of grave societal concern.

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