Monday, March 10, 2025


TRIBUTE/ Remembering Paul Robeson: A Singer-Activist Who Saw Peace as Our Most Sacred Responsibility

“We must join the tens of millions all over the world who see in peace our most sacred responsibility.” - Paul Robeson  Today is indeed a...

The Ongoing Farmers’ Movement: The Need for a Holistic Picture

The main point is that the entire discourse should be based on identifying the most basic improvements and striving to create conditions in which such an agenda of comprehensive improvements can move forward steadily. 

MeToo amidst the Telegu Film Industry and the Unquestioned Misogynist Culture

The MeToo movement may have empowered women to speak against exploitation but the Telegu film industry has still a long way to go when it comes to gender sensitivity and the creation of egalitarian work cultures.

Manto in Times of MeToo

The sharp sarcasm, the poignant observation and the nuanced weaving of the story, made Manto as much a visionary as a literary figure. Manto’s portrayal of women’s violation is a valuable resource for the contemporary MeToo movement that helps ordinary women to break free from chains of oppression.

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