Monday, March 10, 2025


PM Modi meets Xi Jinping at Mamallapuram for Second ‘Informal’ Summit

The second informal summit between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and China’s President Xi began in Mahabalipuram on Friday.

Donald Trump to Attend ‘Howdy, Modi! Rally ‘in Houston

US President Donald Trump will be attending and addressing the Houston rally 'Howdy, Modi' alongside PM Modi on September 22.

PM Narendra Modi Launches ‘Fit India Movement’

While the nation celebrates National Sports Day marking Major Dhyan Chand’s birth anniversary, PM Narendra Modi launches Fit India Movement at Indira Gandhi Stadium in New Delhi.

Innovative PR Strategy Once Again: PM Modi in ‘Man Vs Wild’

The upcoming episode of Man vs Wild features PM Narendra Modi at the Jim Corbett Park.

Narendra Modi Invites BIMSTEC Leaders for Swearing-in Ceremony leaves out Pakistan

Narendra Modi Invites BIMSTEC Leaders for Swearing- in Ceremony leaves out Pakistan.

Big Challenges Wait India after Modi’s Overwhelming Election Victory

Here is a glimpse of the many challenges that wait to be addressed by the new government.

NDA Clearly Set to Form Government

The current trends in the election counting point towards a comfortable victory for the BJP led NDA, proving the predictions of the exit polls right.

Hindi News Channels Give Modi-Shah More Airtime than Other Political Opponents

BARC recently released a report whose contention was that PM Modi and the BJP were given significantly more screen time on television compared to their political Opponents.

Obscenity and Degradation of the Indian Political Discourse: Does Rajiv Gandhi Matter 30 Years...

COMMENTARY / Dragging Former PM Rajiv Gandhi into the present political discourse by the BJP maybe an attempt to mobilise the Sikh voters, but it has certainly pulled down the level of politics at an unprecedentedly low level.

What Do You Do, If Your Prime Minister Loses the Grace of the Position...

What do you do, if your Prime Minister loses the grace of the position he holds, and the language he speaks becomes terribly toxic, vulgar and indecent?

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