Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: nationalism

Bhagat Singh’s version of nationalism and what it may mean for Indian education

As we commemorate Bhagat Singh's 90th death anniversary, here is a close look at the ideas and vision that the man stood for.

Invoking the Essence of Goddess Durga: Beyond Brute Masculinity and Assertive Nationalism

This time of the year brings with it the celebration of the feminine, but can this celebration be meaningful if we don’t look beyond the dual forces of brute masculinity and confining nationalism?

Understanding Popular Hindi Cinema from Desh-Prem to Desh-Bhakti

Patriotism and nationalist fervour have been central to post-independence Indian cinema, the article looks at how its connotations and symbolisms have altered over the years.

The Idea of Indianness

With a critique of the dominant historiography and sensitivity to diversity and folk traditions, particularly of India’s north east, the article makes us rethink the idea of Indianness and nationalism.

The Need for Looking beyond Vivekananda’s Saffron Robe

Under the present political climate, there is a growing need to free Swami Vivekananda from statistic appropriation and the reduction of his ideas into those of narrow nationalism.

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Inner Turmoil

The New Leam feels happy to share a reflection on Nehru’s nuanced engagement with reason and faith with its alert readers. 

To Be Young and to Approach Gandhi in Present Time

Gandhi is more relevant today than at any other time. Gandhian ideas provide a subversive lens to grapple with the present pathology of modernity, nationalism and violent existence.

2019: Is Hope Sustainable?

Is it possible to think of a new beginning in 2019? With a penetrating insight , the author raises a series of critical issues.

BOOK REVIEW : The Flavours of Nationalism

BOOK REVIEW Nandita Haksar, The Flavours of Nationalism, Speaking Tiger, New Delhi, 2018,pp: 248

Loving One’s Nation is Not Contradictory to Universal Love

CRITICAL INSIGHT | The idea that one has to hate others in order to love one’s own nation needs to be problematized. The issues that India faces today can be resolved if we arrive at a more mature form of nationalism that respects the other and builds on a shared culture. Apporva Shankar

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