Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: nature

A gorilla peeping from being a leafy bush/Image:Pixabay

In Australia’s little-known rainforests, tradition and science collaborate for good

The article tries to find out how in some of the lesser known rainforests in Australia, Science and tradition are collaborating for betterment of all.
Environmentalist Sundarlal Bahuguna with activists at Tehri/Wikimedia Commons

Do environmental advocacy campaigns drive successful forest conservation?

Are environmental advocacy campaigns effective towards driving permanent policy changes?
The devastating impact of war is such that it destroys both human beings as well as the ecosystem.

How War, Weapons and Sabotage Are Becoming the Biggest Source of Environmental Ruin

If the biggest single source of world-level ecological ruin is to be identified, this is most likely to be related to wars, preparations for wars, conflicts, weapons and sabotage.
Book Cover/ A Day in 2071

The Sociology of Bharat Dogra’s Literary Creations

Through his stories and novellas, Bharat Dogra makes it possible—the confluence of political sociology and literary imagination.

Worshipping Waghoba: Faith meets conservation in Maharashtra where humans and leopards share space

The Warli tribe, an indigenous community that lives in northwest Maharashtra, believes that the cat-god Waghoba will protect them from the negative impacts of sharing spaces with leopards.

The home of Chipko movement, now epicentre of disasters and relocation challenges

With frequent disasters, residents have to relocate for their safety. But challenges like limitation of resources in host villages and poor temporary shelters, stand in the way.

The COVID-19 crisis and the Vulnerability of Human Existence: It’s time to Redefine Ourselves

Dissociated with nature, isolated in pain and stigmatised in illness: how cruel has society made us? A reconnect with nature is our innermost need.
Bagmati river in Muzaffarpur. It flows across Bihar districts Darbhanga, Sitamarhi, Sheohar, Muzaffarpur and Khagaria. Photo by Metro Media/IWMI/Flickr.

Farmers, near Bagmati river in Bihar, pick fertility of land over safety from floods

The Bihar government has been facing opposition, from locals, to the embankment project on River Bagmati. People of Muzaffarpur and Darbhanga district have been...

Excerpt | The Violence of the Mechanical Mind

Vandana Shiva's penetrating observations and sharp reflections make us rethink the project of modernity - its instrumental rationality, its hyper-masculine doctrine of development and manipulation of nature, and its dualism that separates the knower from the known, science from ethics, and is centralizing/monopolizing tendency.

Why Urban Gardening Can Be A lot More Than Just a Hobby

Gardening may be a widely practiced hobby, but can we look at it beyond just that? 

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