Tuesday, March 11, 2025


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My Pathetic-Hilarious Experiences During Online Classes in the ‘New Normal’

The following is both a satirical and a humorous experiential account by an LLB student regarding his online classes in the ‘new normal’.

The Paradox of Online Courses: A Teacher’s Experiences During a Refresher Course

A teacher shares his experiences while attending an online refresher course, highlighting the ironies and hardships of the online mode of educational dissemination.

Looking Beyond a Cobweb of Webinars Amid the Pandemic

The pandemic has seen institutions of higher education organise a plethora of webinars to keep academic communities thriving, but are we indulging ourselves too much?

The Resurgence of Ed-Tech Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic: Implications for an Altered Educational Landscape

With e-learning becoming the overarching norm amid the pandemic, here is a thorough look at its implications, challenges and dilemmas for our times.
online education in india

The Pathology of Online Education in a Hierarchical Society like India

A steady internet connection, decent availability of space and parental support make online education a welcome proposition for the children of the elite, but what about the others?

A Hilarious Online Class Amid the Lockdown and the Hoax that Classrooms Can be...

Children and teachers are busy using virtual applications to engage in academic pursuits but can a physical classroom with its vibrancy and energy ever be replaced?
online learning

Online Teaching is an Aid, Not an Alternative to the Real Classroom in Pakistan

Online teaching may be a trend amid the lockdown but it is inaccessible to more than 25 million Pakistani children. Can it be a sustainable solution in a country with extensive economic disparity and a strong rich-poor divide?

JNU VC And the Absurdity of the Online End Semester Examination

Is it the inflated ego of the Vice Chancellor that leads the JNU administration to come forward with the ridiculous proposal of conducting the end semester examination through email and WhatsApp?

In Bid to Trace ‘Unlawful’ Words, Freedom of Speech under Threat

In an amendment to the IT Act, the government has proposed to break end-to-end encryption and get access to all user data online raising questions about freedom of speech online.
porn needs careful regulations

Why Your Addiction to Porn is More than a Disease

MATTER OF CONCERN Unrestricted accessibility of pornographic content leads to sexual violence that disrupts the very fabric of society. We live in a world where not only is the need for restriction over porn crucial but also fundamental for the wellbeing of society. Bharat Dogra

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