Monday, March 10, 2025


Historic Transgender Persons Bill Passed in Lok Sabha

The Transgender Persons(Protection of Rights) Bill 2019 has been passed in the Lok Sabha.

Altered Labour Law: Lynching the Rights of Indian Workers

Will Indian workers lose their rights under the changes introduced in the prevalent labour laws?

Growing Concern over Government’s Onslaught on RTI

Amendments to the RTI may pose a serious threat to the integrity of Indian democracy.

‘Its Possible to be Anti-government and Still be Pro-India’ Says Mahua Moitra

Mahua Moitra creates controversy yet again by arguing that it is possible to be critical of government and still be pro-India.

Single Use Plastic Banned by the European Union: Lessons we Must Learn

ENVIRONMENT In an unprecedented welcome step, the European Parliament approved a ban on single-use plastics. The decision of the parliament makes it important for nations throughout the world to acknowledge the gravity of the matter and cut down their use of plastic.

Rahul Gandhi’s ‘Wink’ Pierces the Centre’s Heart

PERSPECTIVE The No-Confidence Motion unfolded in the Parliament yesterday as media channels juxtaposed populist images with those of Rahul Gandhi’s ‘wink’. Is there any more scope left for our shared degeneration? The New Leam Staff

Dilapidated but Shimmery: Our State of Affairs

THE LATEST | Not just yet another news item. The New Leam evolves a way of seeing, and reflects on the mood of our times. The New Leam Staff

When the Ramayana Jibe Ignited a Mahabharata between the BJP and the Congress

POLITICS Prime Minister Modi’s Ramayana jibe at Renuka Chowdhury agitated the Congress and has captured the nation’s imagination. Irrespective of political inclinations and party affiliations are our parliamentarians disrespecting the sacrosanct character of the Parliament as the temple of Indian democracy?

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