Monday, March 10, 2025


Exploring Tagore’s Love, Longing and Humanity

Rabindranath Tagore experienced tremendous pain and emotional turmoil when several intimate people including his children passed away before his eyes. The existential pain accompanied by a true sense of cosmic interconnectedness encouraged the artistic Tagore to unleash his tremendous constructive resources in the form of paintings, poetry, stories and the building of a school where learning gained an altogether new meaning.

Making Sense of the ‘Real’ Through Marx and Sartre

EDUCATION It has been two centuries since Karl Marx was born but his vision and foresight continue to be of significance in our age. The piece walks us through an exercise of making sense of reality with the help of Marx and existentialist- Marxist thinker Jean Paul Sartre.

At Rishikesh: A Cup of Coffee with Thich Nhat Hanh and Jiddu Krishnamurti

SPECIAL ESSAY In this rhythmic piece the author has reflected on his engagement with the two gifted spiritual masters of our times.

Rethinking educational philosophy in Our Times

The dynamism of educational philosophy will lie in its ability to constantly renovate itself and make itself adequate for the needs of the changing times. This article reflects on this requirement and throws light on this important issue. Dr. Sushama Yermal

Kristen Kold and Folk Schools of Denmark

As teachers and educators we must be committed to a lifelong process of learning. In this process of self-discovery and exploration the works of the Danish educationist philosopher Kristen Kold open before us a whole new horizon of path breaking insights.

Vivekananda’s Practical Vedanta

EXCERPT | On Swami Vivekananda's birth anniversary (January 12) we invoke the revolutionary monk who sought to remind us of the immense potential we are all gifted with.


Herman Hesse was a German-Swiss writer and he received the Noble Prize in Literature in 1946. Siddhartha is one of his best known works and continues to hold relevance even in the contemporary times for its message of inner quest, peace and harmonic existence. Hermann Hesse

Introducing ‘Decolonize’

The New Leam is starting a new column DECOLONIZE which will delve into the many contributions of the east in the fields such as education,philosophy, literature and the arts which will enable us to rediscover a treasure trove so far buried under the burden of our Eurocentric definitions of knowledge and philosophy.

Degenerating Philosophy into Mere Academic Pursuit

The significance of philosophy lay in its ability to transgress the boundaries of mere theory and become a way of life itself. The attack of Christian theology on philosophy as a Greco- Roman contribution in the western world marked the onset of its restricted development and the denial of its very purpose. On the other hand in the eastern civilizations there was a failed attempt to recognise the existence of an equally rich and distinct line of philosophical tradition that began much earlier than in Europe. This gave birth to a series of complexes and undermined the confidence of the civilizations. It is time that philosophy is rescued from the confines of our specialised departments and a new vibrancy be restored in it.

The Unity of Man and Cosmos

There is something pathological about the way knowledge’s are fragmented and divided; it causes violence, anguish and some sort of neurotic disorder. Is it possible to have a new quest for the kind of knowledge that heals, and unites man and cosmos? Radhakamal Mukerjee—a great social philosopher—was a visionary. That is why, what he wrote in 1964, we believe, needs to be understood and comprehended by all those who think of education and the destiny of civilization.

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