Monday, March 10, 2025


India and coronavirus: lack of access to handwashing facilities among poor makes fight even...

International Institute for Population Sciences in 2015-16, from where the data for this study was drawn. It found that 39.8% of Indian households had no soap or no water, a situation often explained by the absence of soap during the survey.
Coronavirus Pandemic

The Coronavirus Pandemic is Here, and so is the Need to Refrain from Panic

The Covid-19 has suddenly brought the world to a standstill and the fine line between panic and precaution seems to be fading away too fast, can we be cautious without being too stressed?
msk Demystifying the Corona Pandemic

Demystifying the Corona Pandemic

Covid-19 has been taking a toll on human life. It is at this time that one begins to take note of the limitations of science and strive for humility and empathy.

AAP Mohalla Clinics Prepare to Take on Covid-19 Challenge

Delhi government is gearing up its Mohalla Clinics and healthcare professionals to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Policy for Rare Diseases

An In-depth Reading of the National Policy for Rare Diseases

The financial benefits will also be extended to the broader class of Ayushman Bharat, which covers 40% of the population.

Public Sector strengthening crucial for Countries to achieve Universal Healthcare: UN

Evidence have been found that shows countries with a strong public sector have more successful health systems and better outcomes.

Dengue Cases in Patna Rise to 100 in Matter of Days

Bihar has seen a recent spurt in the number of Dengue cases in a matter of two days.

Dengue Outbreak Hits India Again, Several Deaths Reported

For the past ten years, the number of dengue cases are gradually increasing in India. Unplanned urbanization is one of the major contributing factor.

Arsenic Contamination of Water Resources in India: A Major Roadblock to Universal Health

Water contaminated by arsenic endangers hundreds of lives every year in India and is a pivotal concern for the wellbeing of its citiznes.

Why it’s easier for India to get to Mars than to tackle its toilet...

Only 46.9% of the 246.6 million households in India had their own toilet facilities, while 3.2% had access to public toilets.

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