Arsenic Pollution and Growing Cases of Cancer in India
HEALTH / Public health in India is drastically impacted by the presence of arsenic contaminated water. This leads to widespread disease and ailment in the Ganga planes primarily impacting the states of Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha.
The eclipse of privatization in the public health sector
HEALTH | The constitution makes imperative upon the state to ascertain social and economic justice of its people this makes a significant framework to assess the health sector in the nation.
Linking the Good Health of Consumers to Better Income Opportunities for Farmers
Crops grown organically are beneficial to the health of the consumers and also help farmers increase their livelihood opportunities.
Crisis in Public Health System in India
Health care is important for the individual and the societal need and when the state fails to ensure quality healthcare, a large section of the masses suffer. How can the public healthcare system be democratised and quality be ensured?
Mahendran Arumugam