Sunday, March 9, 2025


A Liberation Theology Within A Firmly Secular

Evolving A Liberation Theology Within A Firmly Secular Framework

Asghar Ali Engineer, a reputed scholar of religion as well as social reform and democratic rights writes, "Liberation theology is the need of the hour - a theology which puts great emphasis on freedom, equality and distributive justice and strongly condemns exploitation of man by man."

Why is the Government Afraid of Indian Students?

Jamia Milia Islamia, TISS, IIT, JNU and students from many other universities across India are transcending religious/cultural/regional boundaries to unite their protests against the controversial CAA and NRC exercises. But why isn’t the BJP government engaging with them?

Nithyananda’s ‘Kailaasa Republic’: A Competition to the Present Regime’s Dream of Hindu Nationhood

Godman Nithyananda makes own island country near Ecuador, welcomes devoted Hindus.

Saudi Arabia labels Feminists, Atheists, Homosexuals as Extremists

The animated clip was posted on Twitter at the weekend by a verified account of the State Security Presidency with a saying, “all forms of extremism and perversion are unacceptable”.

Increasing Importance of Guru Nanak’s Message in Present Contexts

While Guru Nanak is very widely recognized as one of the greatest spiritual leaders and social reformers of all times, there is also need for placing his life and teachings in the context of present day problems and needs.

Is India Turning Into Lynchistan?

With growing instances of mob violence, can lynching be stopped only with adequate legislation?

My Journey, My Book, My Prayer…

Here is the enchanting narrative of a journey - beyond the spectacle of the tourism industry.

Mob Lynches Again, Bihar’s Baniyapur Kills Three Men on Suspicion

The recent case of mob lynching in Bihar’s Baniyapur is a reminder of the growing cases of intolerance in the nation.

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