Monday, March 10, 2025


The River Watching the Play of Pain, Longing and Celebration

SPECIAL ESSAY In this remarkably sensitive piece written with the flavour of sociological sensibility and philosophic depth, Professor Avijit Pathak narrates the illuminating stories the river whispers into his ears.

The Menace of Witch Hunting in Assam is Not Just a Feminine Concern

Witch Hunting Bill The little addressed malaise of witch hunting affected the lives of hundreds of ordinary women across the nation. The Assam Witch Hunting Bill is a fundamental step towards addressing the problem. Chandreyee Goswami

Falsehood of an Over-arching Religious Identity

OPINION | In this lucid piece Professor Avijit Pathak has referred to Mr. Shashi Tharoor's remark on a 'Hindu Pakistan', and reflected on the politico-cultural and psychic dangers implicit in the idea of militant religious nationalism.  Avijit Pathak

Burari Deaths Bring Us to the Crossroads of Religious Dogma, Superstition and Rationality

The strange but possible entwining of modernity, spirituality and individuality in the latest Burari deaths shows the irony of modernity and what Weber would have regarded as disenchantment in our age.

The Interplay between Religion, Television and Tradition in Indian Media

 The emergence of Doordarshan epitomised technological growth in the country and laid emphasis on television as a tool for social transformation.

Allah: The Gentle

At this sacred moment of Ramadan fasting and prayers, the following passage would remind the readers of the beauty of the believer’s engagement with the all-pervading Allah.

Bureaucratization of Religion and the Japanese Monk who sued his Temple Over ‘workplace harassment’

An ‘overworked’ monk in Japan accuses his temple authorities of ‘workplace harassment’ and demands a compensation of US 78,000- when religion is turned into a gigantic bureaucratic machinery it becomes ‘irreligious’.

No Godman: Existence is the only Miracle

Here is a perceptive reflection on the phenomenal growth of 'godmen' and their unholy practices.

Students in Kerala Refuse to Submit Caste-Class Details Amidst Identity Politics in the Country

About 1.24 lakh students in Kerala have refused to fill the caste-religion column in their admission details. When identity politics has become widespread, this action in Kerala is a ray of hope.

Vivekananda’s Practical Vedanta

EXCERPT | On Swami Vivekananda's birth anniversary (January 12) we invoke the revolutionary monk who sought to remind us of the immense potential we are all gifted with.

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