Monday, March 10, 2025


Transgender Rights Activist Gauri Sawant/Twitter

Gauri Sawant, Anything But Ordinary 

Transgender rights activist Gauri Sawant’s phenomenal journey from a bullied child to a proponent of the wellbeing and empowerment of her community is the much needed inspiration in our lives. 
Kerala Pregnant Elephant death

The Communal Slugfest Around the Brutal Killing of a Pregnant Elephant in Kerala Must...

Turning the narrative around a pregnant elephant’s tragic death in Kerala into a political slugfest with communal undertones, is a reminder of our political degeneration. 
About 25 percent of the identified land conflicts are in tribal-dominated areas. Photo by Gorde.shrikant/Wikimedia Commons.

Land banks could deny land communities rights over land, says report

A latest study has revealed that investments worth about Rs 13.7 trillion (Rs 13.7 lakh crore) were embroiled in ongoing land conflicts across India which, on average, impact about 10,600 people in every conflict.

Why is the Transgender Community Fighting Against the Government’s Transgender Persons Bill?

The Parliament has passed a Bill claiming to protect the rights of the transgender community, but will it succeed?
Transgender representation in Indian curriculum is inadequate and often violates the dignity of the community.

Transgender Rights Bill and the Question of Societal Inclusion

While the new version of the bill is certainly an improvement, will it prove a sufficient equaliser?

Denial of Rights isn’t going to Check Population Growth

We need is a comprehensive socio-economic development policy for a balanced approach to population control, not loud unconstitutional proclamations.

Transgender Persons Bill Gets Passed in Lok Sabha amid Community Unrest

GENDER The Transgender Persons Protection and Rights Bill (2016) was passed in the Lok Sabha with 27 amendments to it. The transgender community however feels that the Bill is discriminatory and criminalizes the community. One of the greatest objections raised about the Bill is that it does not give the transgender community the right to self-determination.

Why the Feminist Struggle Belongs to Men Too

Sexual violence, prejudice and the denial of basic rights to women are all reflections of the regressive patriarchal mind-set. Should the feminist struggle belong only to women? Rashi Dubey

Transcending Section 377 and Reimagining Gay Sexualities

GENDER | As the Supreme Court hears pleas on rethinking Section 377 of the IPL, there are hopes that gay sexuality can be decriminalized in the nation. Nivedita Dwivedi

Women’s Reservation Bill : Think Critically, Raise Fundamental Questions

Here is a reservation obsessed society. It nurtures the illusion that only by reserving seats for women in legislative assemblies we can move towards an emancipatory society. The New Leam persuades its alert readers to demystify this gimmick, and raise critical questions for creating a truly just society.

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