Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: science

Looking Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries

EDUCATION | Our education system alienates us by compartmentalizing disciplines and discouraging reciprocity of notions among them. A liberating learning process is possible when disciplines communicate.

The Trap of Scientism and Technocratic Rationality: In Search of Liberating Education

In this philosophically nuanced article (based on the foundation day lecture the author delivered at the Central Institute of Education, Delhi University on December 19, 2017) Professor Avijit Pathak has raised serious epistemological issues, and pleaded for an enriched dialogue between science and humanities.

The wonder of science

Even in the age of Internet one should not be deprived of touching a book, feeling its reality, reading it, and sharing it. And...

And the Death of Wonder By Nutan Upadhyay

Recently we raise a debate on the nature of science education in the age of technological seduction. Here is a response that reveals how...

When Carl Sagan talked about Science and Humanity

Science and humanity are intrinsically related to each other, the piece that follows establishes this link once again in the light of Carl Sagan’s ideas in this context.

Tribute To Professor Yashpal: Science Is Not Devoid Of Philosophic And Cultural Vision

The New Leam pays homage to Professor Yash Pal (1926-2017). He was a gifted scientist known for his path-breaking work in cosmic rays physics. He was guided by the spirit of scientific enquiry; he was an institution-builder; and above all, he was a great educationist with immense sensitivity to pedagogy, cultural fineness and civilizational issues. In a way, he was an embodiment of the oceanic flow of knowledge traditions.

The importance of rational thinking and the pedagogue’s responsibility By Mohammad Zafar

MATTER OF CONCERN The importance of rational thinking and the pedagogue’s responsibility Developing a clear thought process among students is of prime importance, it is with...

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