Friday, March 14, 2025


Why Changes in Sex Trade Policy Response is an Urgent Need Amid COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has indeed taken a toll on the lives of sex workers, making them further vulnerable to exploitation and this calls for immediate changes in sex trade policy response.

Lockdown Maybe Over, But Sex Workers in Sonagachi Continue to Struggle for Survival

Indian sex workers working at Asia’s largest red light area of Sonagachi, Kolkata find themselves crushed under the burden of loans, making them further vulnerable to exploitation and marginalisation.

Supreme Court Urges Centre to Provide Food and Financial Aid to Indian Sex Workers

The pandemic has left sex workers in India with little or no sources of livelihood, the SC’s directive to provide them financial and food based aid may prove to be a respite in these thing times.

Born Into the Brothel: The Miseries of Financial Loss and Abandonment Among Indian Sex...

The lockdown and absence of work has unleashed unprecedented difficulties on India’s sex workers and their children. With no governmental support and social security, they stare at a dark future.
sex workers in lockdown

Daughters of the Brothel: The Struggles of Indian Sex Workers Amid the Lockdown

Indian sex workers are struggling to sustain as the lockdown has put an end to their trade, in the absence of financial aid and social security, what will the fate of these daughters of the brothel look like?

10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World : A Must Read

Elif Shafak’s 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World, lends voice to those at the margins.

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