Monday, March 10, 2025


Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Learning from Ambedkar: An Educator’s Experiences from the Ground

Social injustice and caste discrimination are all around us but here’s how an educational intervention called Shiksha Swaraj draws inspiration from B.R. Ambedkar to brighten the future of children from marginalised backgrounds.

Shiksha Swaraj Team Ensures that No Pandemic Can Obstruct the Learning Opportunities of Our...

Your sustained goodwill and contributions have ensured that even as the lockdown goes on and educational institutions remain closed, the learning activities of our...

Shiksha Swaraj COVID-19 Response

The COVID-19 pandemic has erected unprecedented challenges before the education sector in India and has deeply impacted children's access to learning resources and opportunities. While children from...

From Pedagogic Theory to Living Practice: Walking with Children of Shiksha Swaraj

Is it possible to see education beyond schools and coaching centres? Or, is it possible to break the wall of separation, and invite the marginalized to the realm of creative and life-affirming education?

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