Monday, March 10, 2025


Absence of State-Civil Society Cooperation Make Hunger an Unprecedented Challenge in Bihar

The government and the civil society must work in collaborative effort to fight hunger and poverty amid the pandemic, but why have things not worked for Bihar?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Today’s Movement for Racial Justice

This is indeed a moment in history when we may acquire the much needed insight and inspiration from Bonhoeffer’s extraordinary life and legacy.
A harmonious dialogue between the inner and the outer is the core essence of a meaningful existence.

Life,Death and the Meaning of Suffering:Notes From a Learner’s Diary

Every suicide, death, civil or political riot, every massacre, war disaster, epidemic must remind us that the root cause of all suffering is within, we must strive for transformation.
migrant worker

Living the Life of an “Orphan”: The Pathology of Being a Migrant Labourer in...

An inadequately executed plan for the migrant class, the dilution of critical labour laws and the economic hardships to life and livelihood have brought the existence of India’s migrant workers into the dark dens of negligence and state apathy.
Jyoti Kumari

Why Must it Take a Jyoti Kumari to Cycle from Gurugram to Darbhanga to...

Visuals of 15-year old Jyoti Kumari cycling from Gurugram to Darbhanga with her ailing father over seven days amid the lockdown have gone viral and the likes of Ivanka Trump have called her story inspiring.

The Answer is Blowing in the Wind

Here is yet another anecdote on the quarantine period and how an ordinary Indian family is coping up amid the pandemic.
migrant workers and

The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Beginning of a New World Order

Would the pandemic become a reason for the whole of humanity to shift from greed to sharing, or would it amplify our selfishness to another level?

Mapping Possible Solutions to the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Urgency of an Interdisciplinary Approach

Compartmentalisation of disciplines is obstructing a holistic research towards finding possible solutions to the COVID-19 crisis.
migrant worker

Does this Lockdown Tell Us Anything Beyond the Gravity of the Coronavirus Pandemic?

The coronavirus pandemic unveils the hidden socio-political and economic disparity around, while underling the need for collective endeavours for shared redemption.
Zygmunt Bauman

Who Really Was Zygmunt Bauman: A Realist or a Pessimist?

Polish-British sociologist Zygmunt Bauman was an eminent social theorist who wrote on diverse issues ranging from modernity and the holocaust to consumerism in post-modern societies.

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