Monday, March 10, 2025


Rebuilding Our Connection with the Aged: Dilemmas Associated with State and Societal Negligence

MATTER OF CONCERN | The plight of the aged reminds the society of the tremendously long path that it has to cover for ensuring that the aged live a life of dignity and respect. On the International Day for Older Persons, let us strive to create a society that is conducive to their demands. Priyanka Yadav

Democracy and Dissent- A Contemporary Reflection

POLITICS From artists, activists, film directors to students and the media- everybody seems to be debating the dangers to political dissent in India and it implications for the sustainability of democracy. A young scholar takes a journey of interrogating and reconceptualising dissent in our times. Sukanya Khar

The Kingdom of Apps and the Denial of Humanism

THE NEW LEAM VIEWPOINT Applications to talk to and determine suicidal tendencies are becoming popular amidst young professionals showcasing a massive challenge before a society characterised by anonymity and surveillance.

Remembering Mahashweta Devi through Her Works

We see examples of intolerance, dominance and exploitation all around us, reminding us of the significance of Mahashweta Devi’s work. Perhaps things are not too different even years after independence for the marginalized and this is what makes Mahashweta Devi resonate the aspirations of the society. Mohammad Zafar 

Negligence of the Elderly and the Myth of Eternal Youth: a Crisis in Modern...

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has proposed that in order to facilitate proper maintenance of the old the regulatory mechanism must be made more stringent. Will this improve the situation of the elderly?

Casteism is Not a Fatal Disease

INDIAN UNTOUCHABILITY The system of institutionalised hierarchy in the form of caste cannot be eradicated without a change in societal perception.

Nothing Really Has Changed for Bihar’s Musahar Community

The Musahar community in Bihar is one of the most deprived and socially disadvantaged groups that are present in the country. Its pathetic condition has not improved much despite a series of reforms and changes in Indian political history. The empowerment of the Musahars is an intrinsic need for the wellbeing of the society as a whole.

The Meanings of the Walkman: Towards a Cultural Artifact By Steve Matthewman

Steve Matthewman is a distinguished sociologist teaching at University of Auckland, New Zealand. In this amazingly insightful piece, the author has reflected on the Walkman—the way this technological device has led to growing privatization of our experiences, and altered our modes of engagement with society. Steve Matthewman

A Future that is better than the Present: Reminiscences of Childhood in the age...

We live in times characterised by hyper-consumerism and the dominance of the market ideology amidst these circumstances how can we cultivate a consciousness among young learners that transcends the ethos of consumption? Let us explore the theme in what follows below.

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