Thursday, January 23, 2025


At Rishikesh: A Cup of Coffee with Thich Nhat Hanh and Jiddu Krishnamurti

SPECIAL ESSAY In this rhythmic piece the author has reflected on his engagement with the two gifted spiritual masters of our times.

Rishikesh, Unplanned Discoveries and a Torn Tour Guide

EXPLORATION \ Travelling can be a fruitful process when it becomes an existentially illuminating act. Over planning can take away its beauty. Ambika Mahajan

The Process of Psychic Evolution

SPIRITUAL CORNER It is not easy to come out of the trap of tamasic dullness or rajastic intoxication. However, life , as Sri Aurobindo revealed in his brilliant interpretation of the Bhagavadgita, needs sattwic consciousness to find its true meaning and purpose. Sri Aurobindo

Allah: The Gentle

At this sacred moment of Ramadan fasting and prayers, the following passage would remind the readers of the beauty of the believer’s engagement with the all-pervading Allah.

Fulfilling Life’s Purpose

SPIRITUAL CORNER In the age of utility, is it possible to be compassionate, and find happiness in the act of loving and sharing? Here is a piece by a great Tibetan Buddhist monk; it is likely to enchant the readers. Lama Zopa Rinpoche 

EXCERPT : The Present Is Free from Fear

SPIRITUAL CORNER An Excerpt from Fear By Thich Nhat Hanh.

A flower does not discriminate …

SPIRITUAL CORNER In a conversation with young children J. Krishnamurti asserted the need for inner beauty, not superficial mannerism.

Better to read Poetry than Philosophy

SPIRITUAL CORNER It seems that this age has become the age of meaninglessness because man has become very knowledgeable. Everybody knows, nobody understands. Knowledge divides; poetry heals and unites. Here is a beautiful revelation by Osho.

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