Thursday, January 23, 2025


Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Suicides Remind Us of the Urgency of Educational Reformation

EDUCATION It is shocking to note that 49 children have committed suicide from 2013-2017 at the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas for a series of issues like family problems, unrequited love, depression among others.

MeToo Sweep IIT Roorkee: Professors Charged with Sexual Harassment

The MeToo wave has finally arrived at the IIT Roorkee campus, as women scholars at the campus have protested against the alleged sexual misconduct by at least five professors.

The Dynamics of Power in the Classroom

EDUCATION Knowledge, it is often said, is not outside power. What does happen when a teacher engages with her students in the classroom? Is it possible for her to activate the agency of her students as active participants in the learning process?

Najeeb Disappeared and so did our Judicial Vigilantism

Closing the Najeeb file is against the sanctity of judicial activism in India and points out to the need for redefining the priorities of the judiciary. It is ironic that the state in spite of its enormous strengths in unable to be accountable for the missing student in the light of the recent progress in the case

In Momentous Win Students Compel HNLU VC to Step Down

REPORTAGE | The Hidayatullah National Law University witnessed the resignation of its vice-chancellor after sustained student resistance and a short-lived hunger strike. The students protested against inflexible hostel and library curfew timings and a vice-chancellor alleged of malpractice and corruption. Sundaresha D. S.

Mid-Night Crackdown at Manipur University needs to be condemned

REPORTAGE The mid-night raid and detention of students and faculty at Manipur University shows the degeneration of the sanctity and position of higher education in the nation. While it does raise questions about the priorities of the state, it also brings to light the combined struggle of teachers and students at the university.

An Ode to the Vocation of Teaching

The act of teaching is essentially a spiritual act. The work of a teacher is to touch the being of the learner and enable her to discover the treasures that lie undiscovered. Here a teacher pleads for retaining the distinctiveness of the vocation of teaching and invites students to the vocation. Amrita Sastry

Tortured Students, Humiliated Teachers and Sadism of JNU Administration

Yet another semester has begun at JNU. However, as one moves around the campus one notices a sense of despair, sadness and anger.

My Whiteness and the Grayness of Life

SPECIAL ESSAY In this piece written with extraordinary honesty and clarity, Benjamin Stewart - an engaged learner pursuing Master of Arts in Social Sciences with the University of Freiburg in Germany

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