Monday, March 10, 2025



SC Will Not Ban Candidates Facing Criminal Charges from Contesting Elections

POLICY MAKERS The criminalisation of Indian politics has led to a deadlock in the democratic culture of the nation, making it impossible for people to hold accountable representatives with criminal records. Public accountability accompanied by a vigilant citizenry can help decriminalise Indian politics. Priyanka Yadav

Supreme Court Condemns Mob Lynching in all Avatars

COMBATING COMMUNALISM The Supreme Court has given preventive, punitive and remedial measures to deal with the issue of mob lynching and condemned it in all forms.

Transcending Section 377 and Reimagining Gay Sexualities

GENDER | As the Supreme Court hears pleas on rethinking Section 377 of the IPL, there are hopes that gay sexuality can be decriminalized in the nation. Nivedita Dwivedi

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Delhi Government’s Plea on Distribution of Powers

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the Delhi Government’s plea over its powers from the upcoming week. This will hopefully solve the deadlock between Kejriwal and the Centre.

The Transgender Trauma of Suchitra Dey

GENDER The Supreme Court recognizes the transgender as a third gender, the irony is that transgender persons face humiliation and negligence in significant aspects of life. The narrative presented by Suchitra Dey recalls the turbulent trials that she underwent to make her voice reach the society.

Bharat Bandh against the Dilution of SC/ST Act Turns Violent

The nation-wide band organised by Dalit organisations to protest against the ruling to dilute the SC/ST Act has caused conflict in many parts of the country.

Passive Euthanasia and the Need to Look Beyond Medicalised Notions of Death and Life

The Supreme Court in its landmark judgement today announced that passive euthanasia will now be allowed for patients who are in or likely to slip into long vegetative states.

The National Anthem: an Option before Theatres

NATIONAL ANTHEM | The playing of the national anthem in cinema halls has now become optional after severe vigilantism and chaos over the matter in the last couple of months. What does a decision of such a nature imply and are we prepared to think beyond the symbols of nationhood? Kavya Thomas

Verdict Awaited in Sabarimala Case: Will Women Gain Access to the Temple?

Women are equal citizens with the same fundamental rights like their male counterparts. However, in Sabarimala temple women between the age group of 10-50 years are not allowed their right to worship freely based on archaic customary practices. Can the Constitutional Bench contest this practice and return to women their right to equality?

Supreme Court Verdict Declares Sex with Minor Wife Illegal

Child marriage is a social evil that despite legal steps continues to haunt Indian society. The landmark judgment of the Supreme Court that designates sexual intercourse below the age of eighteen years as rape may be a fruitful turning point towards the eradication of the social evil. But will legislation alone be able to transform our collective outlooks?

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