Teachers’ Day Special/ Building a Peaceful World for Teachers
What is the role of education for dialogue, compassion, and social justice in a world characterised by violence and intersectional hierarchies?
Remembering Sol Plaatje as South Africa’s original public educator
Plaatje, lived through times of tumultuous change in South Africa and transcended his own tribal and religious identities to embrace a vision of a common South Africa standing up against the forces of white supremacy
Edtech in Teacher Education: Panacea or Dystopian Possibility?
Technology oriented solutions have been introduced in teacher education during campus closure period since March 2020. This article explores notions of student-teachers on use of edtech in teaching particularly its impact on development of teacher agency.
A Beacon of Hope-Summerhill
Summerhill is a book about the celebrated English boarding school named Summerhill School and has been written by its headmaster A. S. Neill. It is through this book that the educationist introduced his ideas to the American public. Here is an engaging and exhaustive reflection on the book by acclaimed educationist Arvind Gupta.
Teaching – a delightful vocation
The vocation of teaching is an act of contentedness. A passionate pedagogue touches the soul of the learner and ignites the flame of knowledge. Here is the story of a creative teacher who discovers herself through her vocation each day.
Can the Government Afford to Ignore Bihar’s Protesting School Teachers?
A protest by school teachers of Bihar for equal pay scales at Jantar Mantar, points to a looming education crisis.
To My Muslim Friends, With Gratitude
In these difficult times, when an oppressive gaze tends to objectify and stigmatise the Muslim community, the author reflects on our shared humanity-a spirit of communion.
An Open Letter to My Fellow Students at JNU
While the university is undergoing a deep crisis amid perpetual onslaughts by the administration, a young student pens down a heartfelt note to her fellow students reminding them of the power of resistance in dark times.
‘Clean’ JNU: End of a Politico-pedagogic Experiment
As the administration is going to clean the walls of JNU- known for colourful/political posters, is it the end of a great pedagogic experiment?