Monday, March 10, 2025


“Ranjit Guha was the first historian I met in flesh and blood who had...

In a thought-provoking conversation with The New Leam Professor Dipesh Chakrabarty has reflected on his intellectual journey, his engagement with the history of ideas, and his analysis of contemporary social reality.

“Postcolonial theory provides excellent cri-tiques of Western knowledge and its modes of domination”, says...

In a conversation with The New Leam Professor Aditya Ni-gam has reflected on modernity, colonialism and the poli-tics of knowledge. And his engagement with postcolonial theories throws new light on the art of doing social theo-ries.

“A major learning for the post-COVID world should be the acknowledgement of a common...

Professor Kumkum Roy teaches at the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Prof. Kumkum Roy has been working on issues related...

Interview | “The idea of India being projected today, is based on exclusion of...

In this engaging conversation with The New Leam, Sohail Hashmi talks about the early influences in his life and his growing up years, the important moments in his life trajectory, his commitment and love for creativity and his ideas on culture, politics and life in contemporary times.

“Let us not underestimate the power of the human spirit”, says Ms. Suman Kumar

Ms. Suman Kumar - Director, Bluebells School International/Delhi-is an outstanding educationist and teacher. In a conversation with Professor Avijit Pathak, she has narrated her intellectual trajectory, her deep engagement with the school, the new challenges the pandemic has posed, and the necessity of a nuanced pedagogic practice to sensitize young students at this moment of bewilderment when the taken-for-granted world seems to have crumbled.

Interview/ “The danger of identity politics arises when the proponents of an oppressed identity...

Dr. Amir Ali teaches at the Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His core research interests include political theory, multiculturalism and group rights. In a conversation with The New Leam, he speaks on contemporary politics, protest ideologies and issues relating to identity and nationalism.

Interview | “For me, coming to Rishi Valley is a very natural transition”, says...

Meenakshi Thapan was Professor of Sociology at Delhi School of Economics. And her book Life at School:An Ethnographic Study has enriched the domain of sociology of education in India, and inspired young students and researchers to take active interest in the dynamics of educational institutions, knowledge and curriculum. In a conversation with Professor Avijit Pathak, she has narrated her academic journey, her meeting with Jiddu Krishnamurti, her engaged communion with the spirit of Krishnamurti's educational philosophy, and her decision to devote herself to Rishi Valley school after her retirement from Delhi University

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