Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Hijra community

Visibly ‘Invisible’: The Plight of India’s Vulnerable Hijra Community Amid the Lockdown

Societal stigma, state-neglect , lack of funds and inability to access food and healthcare have pushed the Hijra community in India into further marginalisation and poverty.

Anti-CAA Protest Update/Queer and Transgender Persons Raise Voice for a Secular Republic

On Savitribai Phule’s birth anniversary,Queer groups led anti-CAA protests across cities

Why is the Transgender Community Fighting Against the Government’s Transgender Persons Bill?

The Parliament has passed a Bill claiming to protect the rights of the transgender community, but will it succeed?

Transgender Rights/Marginalisation and Exclusion Continue for Assam’s Transgender Persons Excluded from NRC

The exclusion of more than 2000 persons from the Assam NRC despite NALSA judgement, paints a grim picture.

Historic Transgender Persons Bill Passed in Lok Sabha

The Transgender Persons(Protection of Rights) Bill 2019 has been passed in the Lok Sabha.
Transgender representation in Indian curriculum is inadequate and often violates the dignity of the community.

Transgender Rights Bill and the Question of Societal Inclusion

While the new version of the bill is certainly an improvement, will it prove a sufficient equaliser?

Straight to Normal: My Life as a Gay Man- A Book That Challenges Stereotypes,...

Sharif Rangnekar’s book Straight to Normal: My Life as a Gay Man, is an experiential account of his coming out story as a gay man and the many challenges that life threw his way.

Caterpillar to Butterfly: Growing Up with My Transgender Child

Raising a transgender child is like discovering new roads to a treasure every day. There are hardships and pain that wait to be unfolded likewise there is an immense sense of happiness that waits to be discovered.

Transgender Persons Bill Gets Passed in Lok Sabha amid Community Unrest

GENDER The Transgender Persons Protection and Rights Bill (2016) was passed in the Lok Sabha with 27 amendments to it. The transgender community however feels that the Bill is discriminatory and criminalizes the community. One of the greatest objections raised about the Bill is that it does not give the transgender community the right to self-determination.

The Transgender Trauma of Suchitra Dey

GENDER The Supreme Court recognizes the transgender as a third gender, the irony is that transgender persons face humiliation and negligence in significant aspects of life. The narrative presented by Suchitra Dey recalls the turbulent trials that she underwent to make her voice reach the society.

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