Monday, March 10, 2025


BBC Diana ‘cover up’ – why Lord Dyson’s report is a body blow for...

The BBC is ridden with intense angst about Lord Dyson’s report into the corporation’s now infamous interview with Princess Diana, in which she detailed the breakdown of her marriage to the Prince of Wales.

Prince Philip dies: his marriage to the Queen and their part in 1,000 years...

For centuries, almost every European monarchy maintained diplomatic relationships with its neighbours through dynastic marriages, in a system that persisted all the way up to the 1930s, then rapidly faded away in the post-war era.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: why half in, half out just isn’t an option...

Harry and Meghan are not alone in finding that frustrating, Prince Laurent of Belgium is another who is visibly unhappy in the role.
Boris Johnson | Image source – WikiMedia Commons

Boris Johnson’s big election victory: what it means for the UK and Brexit

Conservative Party holds 362 seats in the 650-seat Westminster parliament. The Labour Party has suffered its worst loss in decades – and its fourth general election defeat in a row, ending up with 203 seats.

Will Boris Johnson call an early election? What new prime minister will be thinking...

By Nicholas Allen, Reader in Politics, Royal Holloway. Boris Johnson has been confirmed as the Conservative Party’s new leader – and the UK’s next prime...

Loneliness: The Price We Pay For Our Progress

The Minister of Loneliness in the United Kingdom... Does it indicate the mood of the times we live in?

Theresa May steps down from the Post of Prime Minister in UK

UK Prime Minister Theresa May announced her resignation on Friday, 24th May 2019 from 10 Downing Street.

Adventures are About Risks and to live without Adventure is Risky!

Learning is not merely an act of passive reception it is about an exploration of the unknown. Is it time we redefined its meaning? Kavya...

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