Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: USA

Politico-Cultural Racism in America is Consuming its Social Fabric and Decaying its Progressive Ethos

The rage, desperation, and determination which continue to bring tens of thousands of Americans to the streets in protest against racism and injustice hopefully...

China is Sending America’s Unsolicited Packages Containing Mysterious Seeds

Americans are receiving unsolicited shipments from China carrying unknown seeds. The government has warned people against using such seeds in any way.

People are dying in US prisons, and not just from COVID-19

Randall Jordan-Aparo, Darren Rainey and Latandra Ellington are not household names. But like Michael Brown, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, they were killed by...

He Built a Privately Funded Border Wall. It’s Already at Risk of Falling Down...

Trump supporters funded a private border wall on the banks of the Rio Grande, helping the builder secure $1.7 billion in federal contracts. Now the “Lamborghini” of border walls is in danger of falling into the river if nothing is done, experts say.

“I Can’t Breathe.” It Happens at Schools, Too

A 16-year-old boy in Kalamazoo, Michigan, died this spring after workers pinned him to the floor at the residential facility where he lived —...

Indian Students Like to be Deported, if Universities in United States Choose Online Mode...

Indian students in the US may have to return back in large numbers as the US government’s new guidelines for international students imply harsh consequences.

America Reviews Global Force Posture as Indo-Chinese Conflict Amplifies

As Indo-Chinese tensions grow, US is reviewing its global force posture in order to help India counter Chinese threats.
George Floyd

George Floyd protests aren’t just anti-racist – they are anti-authoritarian

I see something more in this wave of American protests, too. As a sociologist specializing in Latin America’s human rights movements and policing, I see a pro-democracy movement of the sort more common south of the border.
George Floyd

The Brutal Murder of George Floyd Underlines America’s Ingrained Discomfort with the Black Community

The brutal murder of George Floyd highlights President Donald Trump’s overt racism, the muted leadership of the Republican Party, and its antipathy toward the black community.

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