Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: USA


How to understand Obamagate – Donald Trump’s latest conspiracy theory

The Obamagate hashtag had accrued over two million tweets and another four million by the end of the week.
President Donald Trump

The Long Read / President Donald Trump and the Antithesis of American Greatness: Critical...

Did President Donald Trump betray the principles on which America was founded and is he an antithesis of American greatness? The article explores these issues.
Workers in a pork processing plant, 2016. USGAO/Wikipedia

To understand the danger of COVID-19 outbreaks in meatpacking plants, look at the industry’s...

The meatpacking industry is an important job source for thousands of people. In 2019 it employed nearly 200,000 people in direct meat processing jobs at wages averaging US$14.13 per hour or $29,400 yearly.
jail prison

“I Do Not Want to Die in Here”: Letters From the Houston Jail

A series of letters from detainees in one of America’s largest jails reveals the mounting dread and uncertainty as the coronavirus spreads inside the 7,500-inmate facility.

Trump asks NATO allies for help with Iran after years of bashing the alliance

Trump also announced that the U.S. did not wish to use these powerful weapons if Iran started to behave in a more reasonable way in the region.
Iran US

Iran Launches Dozens Of Missiles Attacks On US Facilities In Iraq, Several Dead

Tensions continue to rise between US and Iran following the death of Iran's most powerful military commander, General Qasem Soleimani.

Biden’s Opportunity To End The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

As president, Biden has a momentous opportunity to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and both sides will do well to grasp the moment.

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