Friday, March 28, 2025


‘A writer’s beliefs must never be mortgaged to a particular party or ideology’, says Professor...

CONVERSATIONS | Professor Ramachandra Guha is a leading public intellectual in our times. His deep and critical insights into contemporary political culture, intellectual history and issues relating to environment, ecology and cricket are truly enchanting

Could the Swavarna Premchand Depict the Life-World of the Downtrodden Dalit?

One of the most vehement critiques of Premchand is that as a Kayastha he was unable to understand the pathology of caste.

Krishna Sobti: The Wound of Partition and the Fear of a Fragile Democracy

TRIBUTE Sahitya Akedemi and Gyananpith awardee Krishna Sobti’s death has left India’s literary circles remembering the literary genius who combined traditional storytelling with modernist sensibilities. Sobti’s rich body of work and commitment to literature shall be celebrated forever.
Anand Teltumbde

The Bondage of Concocted Theories: The Issues Raised By Anand Teltumbde’s Potential Arrest

Charges against the Dalit Writer Anand Teltumbde are sure to be instigating an atmosphere of intolerance towards minorities. The refusal by the Supreme Court to quash the FIR filed against Anand Teltumde for being an ‘urban Naxal’ is a reminder of the atrocities against the Dalits in contemporary India.

Manto: A haunting Tale of Trust and Defiance

FILM REVIEW Nandita Das’s directorial project Manto is a nuanced and intricate tale of the complex mind of the writer known for his radical commentary and sarcastic sense of humour.

A Glimpse into the Nature Lover’s World

Ranjit Lal is one of the most well-known and widely read nature writers of India , in an exclusive interview with The New Leam he shares with us memories of his childhood, his take on the contemporary agenda of development and why he prioritizes the need for young learners to nourish creativity and follow their passion even in a time where techno-gadgets have predominated our lives. Excerpts from the interview.

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