Sunday, March 9, 2025

Tag: Youth

We ought to think of reinventing Gandhi's relationship with the youth such that there is a better appreciation of his world vision.

The Need to Rekindle Gandhi for the Young

We find ourselves at a time when the relevance of Gandhi is being felt more than ever globally but at the same time the youth seem to have lost an interest in his world vision, how should we strike a balance?

Bhagat Singh’s version of nationalism and what it may mean for Indian education

As we commemorate Bhagat Singh's 90th death anniversary, here is a close look at the ideas and vision that the man stood for.
masks protest

The Joker to Guy Fawkes: why protesters around the world are wearing the same...

Masks have been used by humans for millennia for a variety of purposes from rituals to theatrical performances in order to entertain, to protect and to disguise.

To Be Young and to Approach Gandhi in Present Time

Gandhi is more relevant today than at any other time. Gandhian ideas provide a subversive lens to grapple with the present pathology of modernity, nationalism and violent existence.
Coronavirus in Indian Jail

Detained and Jailed: Kashmir Youth in the Prisons of UP

More than 300 detained young people from Kashmir await justice in prison.
Unemployment has a catastrophic impact on the Asia-Pacific

Growing Unemployment, Lack of Systemic Reform and India’s Job Market

Does India’s emergent youth population necessarily imply economic advantage or does it deepen the unemployment crisis?

The Emergence of India’s Political Youth

From national level parties with infrastructural strengths to candidates born out of student politics and grassroot concerns- is the Indian political scenario experiencing change?

Crisis in Public Education and Scarcity of Government Sector Employment in Light of the...

There needs to be a long-term vision based on how focused work needs to be done in order to address the challenges of education and employment facing our nation.

Youth Adhikar March: An Emerging Possibility in the Age of Darkness

EDITORIAL The rains in Delhi could not diminish the spirit of the youth. Seeing them in the streets of Delhi raising their demands and concerns...

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