Thousands of persons gathered on the streets in Edinburgh and London to protest again Donald Trump’s visit to the UK. The ‘Baby Trump’ balloon was a significant reminder of public resentment against Trump’s policies and reflected the disagreement that people have with him.
Kabir | The New Leam

Thousands of protestors gathered on the streets of Edinburgh for the third consecutive day to protest against Donald Trump’s arrival in Britain. The persons protested as Trump was busy playing golf at his Turnberry resort. Donald Trump was booed by protestors while he was playing golf by the protestors who had assembled outside the resort.
Mr Trump is to meet Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday. The President’s visit to Scotland has been followed by a major security operation. Police Snipers are positioned at different areas of the golf course to ensure total security. He travelled north of the border for the weekend after meeting Prime Minister Theresa May at Chequers and The Queen at Windsor on Friday.
When Donald Trump was at Turnberry the police estimated that more than 9,000 protesters walked from the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh to the Meadows for what was entitled “carnival of resistance”.
The event witnessed the flying of giant Trump Baby balloon that had been banned from both Turnberry and Holyrood.
More than 250,000 protesters gathered in London on Friday to protest against Trump’s UK visit. A glider was seen to protest over Trump’s resort in Scotland holding an anti-Trump poster.
Assistant Chief Constable Mark Williams stated that officers were committed to tracing the person who flew the aircraft. Donald Trump is positive about a trade deal between the UK-US.